Revisioning Process FAQs


From Fall 2024 - Summer 2025, the Center for Regional Change will be undergoing a visioning process led by Vice Provost of Public Scholarship Michael Rios.  During this time, the CRC will continue to work on funded projects, manage the CRC student fellowships, and publish the Region Matters newsletter.  We will continue to conduct our work in Hunt and Wickson Hall.  Please see your answers to the frequently asked questions about the visioning process.  Please contact the CRC Executive Director, Ahna Ballonoff Suleiman, at

Q. Is the CRC being closed or dissolved?

A. No, the CRC is not being closed.  CRC staff are maintaining current activities and will work in partnership with the Dean’s Office appointed Visioning Committee during the visioning process. 


Q. Why has the college appointed an advisor to oversee this process?  

A. The convergence of key events including the stepping down of the CRC Faculty Director and the upcoming 5-year review of the CRC presents an opportunity for a revisioning process. In addition, an assessment led by Executive Director Suleiman who joined in November 2023 highlighted the need to build realign and reimagine the work of the CRC given the changing landscape of community-engaged and environmental justice focused work on campus and in the community.


Q. How does this align with the timing of the CRC’s next 5 year review?

A. The CRC is due for a 5 year review in 2024-2025. Due to other pending center reviews, the CRC review will likely be delayed until 2025-2026. 


Q. What about the Ted Bradshaw Community Engaged Research Award and the Isao Fujimoto Student Research Award?

A. Both awards will be continued and awarded during the 2024-2025 school year.


Q. What is happening with the CRC Regional Advisory Council (RAC) and Faculty Affiliates during this time?

A. The RAC members and faculty affiliates have played an integral role in identifying and accomplishing CRC goals. We will be suspending RAC meetings during the coming year.


Q. What about grants and contracts that currently fund the CRC?

A. We will continue to complete the scope of work for all currently funded contracts and grants.


Q. Will I still receive the monthly Region Matters newsletter?

A. Yes, Region Matters, which compiles information about events, jobs and funding opportunities aligned with collaborative, community-based, action-oriented research grounded in social and environmental justice, will continue to go out to subscribers. The frequency may change depending on the available content and our activities. We will also be developing a communications plan as part of our visioning process, which may affect the frequency or content of this newsletter.


Q. What changes are happening to the CRC website?

A. You are likely going to see lots of changes to the website! During the revisioning process, we will be doing a lot of reorganizing, archiving, and updating the content.  If you are looking for something and cannot find it, please request it at


Q. Who will oversee the CRC visioning process?

A. The Dean’s Office has appointed Michael Rios, Vice Provost of Public Scholarship and Engagement, as the Chair of the CRC Visioning Committee.  Michael will advise the Dean and the Associate Deans on the visioning process. Michael’s appointment will begin in Fall 2024 for a one-year period. 


Q. Who will serve on the Visioning Committee?

A. The Dean will appoint 6-8 CA&ES faculty members to serve on the Visioning Committee.