
Socioeconomic Indicators Report: The Sacramento San Joaquin Delta

Socioeconomic Indicators Report: The Sacramento San Joaquin Delta

Authors: Anne Visser, Catherine Brinkley, and  Jessica Zlotnicki

The Delta Protection Commission initiated the “Delta Socioeconomic Indicators Project” in June 2016, with the goal of compiling a regional set of data that would describe the overall economic and social well-being of the Delta region. The Socioeconomic Indicators Report provides a quantitative snapshot for benchmarking policy progress in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta region. Results and findings are presented as a snapshot that can be replicated in the future and tracked over time. Based on the the information, analysis, and structure provided in this report, individual communities may also wish to develop indicators specific to their geography and concerns within the Delta.

Researchers from the U.C. Davis Center for Regional Change developed the list of indicators with input from multiple sources and compiled data for the Legal Delta, disaggregating (when possible) the data by Primary and Secondary Zones. Policies in the Delta are focused on protecting agriculture, increasing agricultural economic vitality, and ensuring environmental health, while continuing to provide high-quality amenities to its residents and visitors. The data sources used in the report are updated regularly and can be available for use in future reports.

Full Report
Infographic Summary